Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's log, it's log, it's big, it's heavy, it's wood!

log cabin 2 in progress
Originally uploaded by skullsnbats
Do you remember that song from Ren & Stimpy? It's one I like to sing while working on my new project. This is a afghan in progress for my friends Judi & Eugene that are getting married next month-- in ROME! Those jetsetters, I love them. Anyway, Judi's dress is red and white, and they both love black (they are my friends after all), so this is their wedding afghan in their colors. Plus the spicy colors will look good in their spicy living room, so it all works out. I'm squinting against the fierce sun- it's a delightful 80 degrees today. Must be summer because we had to turn the AC on after having it off all winter!


QueSarah said...

It's better than bad it's good!

Carol said...

It's gorgeous Mimi!

heyfatlulu said...

poke, love, love!