Tuesday, January 04, 2005

knitting stuff

I quit working on my "practice scarf" so i could start a scarf my grandma has asked me to knit her. She's 93 so i thought i better get on the sticks and get it out for her ASAP. Mom & I went to a knitting shop over the holidays and picked out a luscious minty blue that is soft and nubby for her and i'm almost finished with it. i made it kind of narrow but very long so she can wrap it around her tiny little neck several times. it's my first purl attempt and i'm totally digging it. and it's not deformed or mutated looking at all!

in other knitting news, i picked up a totally cool knitting magazine, knit1, that Katie and I pored over on New Year's. Yes, I was involved in a night of drunken knitting on New Year's. Katie and I drank margaritas by the gallon, watched movies, devoured shrimp fajitas, and she taught me the elusive purl technique and supervised my clumsy efforts. it was one of the best new year's i ever had. our boys were very amused by it and were afraid we would get drunk and poke ourselves in the eyes with my new bamboo needles, but their fears were unjustified, since my drunken knitting turned out absolutely lovely, for some reason! katie's canadian friend ali who was there watched our knitting with secret fascination, and we tried to encourage him to learn to knit so he could make some fashionable things to keep him toasty when his visa runs out and he goes back to the cold north country. sadly, we had no takers, but in time we may wear him down!

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