Monday, August 13, 2007

A new knitter has moved to town

I read an interesting story in the Herald about Stephen King's daughter moving to town and becoming the new minister at a local unitarian congregation. Maybe we can get her to come to knitting!


QueSarah said...

How flippin' cool would that be!!??

knitting pirate librarian said...

I bet she would be one interesting person to talk to!

Carol said...

I am beyond excited!

vagabond bettie said...

I belonged to the UU church in Oakland Park for awhile and the River of Grass congregation has alot of people that I know. It was a LONG time ago, so they might not remember me. Debbie's friend Geri might be a member there. I'll bet if you send her an invite, she'll come over to visit you all!

heyfatlulu said...

Awesome! It would be great if she came to knit night some time.
I had no idea there was a UU congregation in Plantation. *sigh*